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About Me

I currnetly teach middle school music in Hendersonville, TN. While music has always been a passion for me, I developed a strong curiosity about photography in high school when I began working in a photo lab at a drugstore in my home town. I was fascinated with the process of developing film and often made extra efforts to correct photos for customers who had overexposed them or to enhance colors to my ability with our machines.

When my wife bought me a digital camera for Christmas one year, I began spending quite a bit of time outside of work learning about aperture, filters, and the like. Before long, my knowledge had outgrown my little point and shoot and I was thirsty for an SLR. When we had enough saved, I went for it...and I'm having a blast.

My mother-in-law is a managing broker and a realtor. She asked me to come take some shots of a house for her and create a virtual tour once. The rest is history. I had a blast. Houses are great models. They don't move and they don't get bored! I enjoy photgraphing houses and providing viable marketing tools for the realtors who list them.

So, that's me!